Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Home baked Banana Muffins

Banana Muffins
What do you do with bananas that has over ripen? Well, I would cook them. In Malaysia, we often cook our fruits, especially tropical fruits because they are also a carbohydrate source. And being high in carbohydrate also means they are also starchy. Most tropical fruits are starchy, which makes them ideal for cooking. One of the easiest recipes to follow would be for the banana muffins. My wife often mix over ripen bananas with multipurpose flour to bake banana muffins.

The Healthier Choice
She would start by peeling about five over ripen bananas and mash them up. Then, pour three cups of multipurpose flour onto the mash bananas, add half cup of sugar, add some water and knead them up to form a thick dough. From this point, there are two ways how the  banana dough can be utilized. First, separate them into cups and bake them for banana muffins or simply make small palm size balls of the dough and fry them in cooking oil to make banana fritters. I am good with either but the bake banana muffins are the healthier alternative of the two.

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