Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pizza for Lunch

Vegetarian Pizza
I joined some of my co-workers for a pizza lunch at work yesterday. When we go out with the family for pizza, we usually could only order like two large pizzas. And that is the most we could eat in one meal. So, the choices were usually limited but when we have like ten people going out for pizza, the choices is just like the pizza toppings, supreme. We decided to order like six different pizzas with six different toppings. And we have like vegetarian, ham, Hawaiian, three cheese, chicken and pepperoni.

Chicken Pizza
Although with all the opportunity to actually try all the six different pizzas, I could only do three the most. I am not really big pizza person. The smell was good and tasted really delicious but my limit has always been three slices. Anyway, eating too much during lunch will also make me sleepy afterwards. And I do not want that happening. I have always enjoy going out for lunch with my co-workers because such occasions allows me to try different food and once in a while pull me away from Asian cuisines. In fact, I really enjoy the diversity in Vancouver, including the diversity in food.

Pepperoni Pizza
Like I have mentioned, there were six different pizzas with six different toppings. But I have only taken pictures of the ones I ate. I had three slices. Which was one slice of each from pepperoni, chicken and vegetarian pizzas. I think the other three toppings were as good and tasty as the three I ate. As I was watching my colleagues, I can imagine how much they enjoyed the pizzas. Like me, more than when they go out with their respective families for pizza.

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