Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Malaysian Belacan Fried Chicken

Belacan Fried Chicken
One very authentic Malaysian fried chicken recipe is the Belacan Fried Chicken.  I used to prepare the belacan fried chicken from scratch but nowadays there are prepacked belacan powder which is ready to use. With this belacan powder, it is so simple. Just prepare the chicken meat, drip the chicken meat dry and then mix with the belacan powder. One pack of the belacan powder is good for about five to six pounds of chicken meat.

Malaysia's Favorite Fried Chicken
But if you prefer the fried chicken cuisine to be less salty, then use lesser of the belacan powder. With the full pack of belacan powder, I can mix the powder to about ten pounds of chicken meat. And the belacan powder can also be use for other meats such as fish, shrimps or squid. I have fried female capelins with this same belacan powder and they taste good. Belacan always have that seafood flavour that is familiar to Malaysian cuisines.

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