Monday, February 20, 2017

Penang Char Keow Teow from Home

Famous Penang Char Keow Teow
This was the second consecutive weekend with three days off. So, I invited some friends over to enjoy some Penang Char Keow Teow. Earlier in the week I found raw cockles in a Korean grocery store on Kingsway. It was so surprising to me, as I had been searching for cockles for a very long time and to see them being sold in a store that I frequent a lot was even more surprising. In Penang, the cockles are an item in the famous Penang Char Keow Teow.

Penang Char Keow Teow with Cockles
So, it was an opportunity for me to show off the cockles to my Malaysian friends. What better way to do it than to invite them over to my home for the Penang Char Keow Teow. The cockles are used in many of the famous Penang cuisines. For example, the Penang white curry noodle, in steam boat dishes, and lok-lok stalls in the pasar malam. With the cockles, I am finally able to complete my list of the required items for my Penang Char Keow Teow.

Penang Char Bee Hoon
With the cockles, it makes the Penang Char Keow Teow even more authentic. Already, my home cooked Char Keow Teow is the most flavourful and authentic in Vancouver, the cockles makes it even better and closer to home. Most of the friends that came that day had a second helping. So, I had to add different noodles. Instead of Char Keow Teow, the fried noodles became Char Bee Hoon at the end. And the orders just kept coming.

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