Sunday, September 25, 2016

Real Roti Chennai Flown in From Malaysia

Roti Canai from Malaysia
My eldest kid was visiting his grandma back in Malaysia during the summer. He returned to Vancouver a couple of days ago and I had my mum packed about twenty pieces of Roti Canai for him to bring back to Vancouver. I have personally done this before, bringing home with me about two dozen pieces of Roti Canai from Malaysia on different trips. Other than the Roti Canai, I have him bring home the sardine and anchovy sambal that goes with the Roti Canai.

My Favorite Breakfast - Roti Canai
I love Roti Canai for breakfast when I was still living in Malaysia. I would have the Roti Canai at least twice a week and there was a particular Roti Canai stall that I would frequent with my family. According to my mum that Roti Canai stall is still around and the same person toasting the Roti Canai still operates from there. He usually serves the Roti Canai with a few different types of dips which he cooks in the morning. Of all the curry dips, I like the sardine sambal best.

Real Authentic Roti Canai
Before this particular occasion, the last time someone from my family actually came back with Roti Canai from Malaysia was my wife, when she visited both our mums. So, that was more than two years ago. To keep the Roti Canai fresh for the journey, I usually have the Roti Canai maker wrap all the Roti Canai in several layers of plastic and old newspapers. Then, have the sardine and anchovy sambal put in a container that can be sealed. Before packing them into the luggage, I have my mum wrap another few layers of plastic bags. Once the Roti Canai and the sambal reaches home, I have them placed in the fridge. Whenever I want to eat the Roti Canai, I have them steamed and the sambal warmed up in the microwave oven.

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