Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Authentic Baba Nyonya Asam Pedas

Asam Pedas Fish
There is no Asam Pedas cuisine that is more flavourful or taste better than my mom's. I grew up enjoying my grandmother's and mother's Baba Nyonya cuisines. These Baba Nyonya cuisines maybe found in some of the restaurants in Vancouver serving Malaysian cuisines but not all the Malaysian cuisines listed on their menus are any where close to authenticity let alone acquiring the true taste and flavour of a favorite Malaysian cuisine.

Asam Pedas 
And, it so happen that my favorite Baba Nyonya cuisine is my mom's Asam Pedas. Whenever I return to visit my mom in Malaysia, she would not miss cooking up this favorite spicy fish cuisine. Still the best and my favorite cuisine. Mom's recipe is simple and easy to follow. In mom's recipe for Asam Pedas, the main ingredients include 4 fresh chillies, 5 bulb of fresh shallots, 1 stalk of lemon grass, laksa leaves, a bulb of ginger flower, a dozen of okra, a cup of thick turmeric juice, and choice of fish.

Basil Egg Omelette
On that day, mom also cooked basil egg omelette which she wanted me to try. This egg omelette came about from mom's experience in Vietnam where basil is a popular vegetable used in their cuisines. And mom also grew some of this basil in her herbal/vegetable garden for her own consumption. The basil egg omelette actually has medicinal properties that promotes health. Basil has medicinal properties of antioxidant and anti-bacteria.

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