Sunday, May 7, 2017

Vancouver International Airport Food Court

Fried Rice with Char Siew, Mixed Vege and Honey Garlic Pork
Inside the departure terminal of the Vancouver International Airport after going through security screening and CBSA are several locations where there are food courts. At first I was kind of sceptical about the prices but when I saw the listed prices on their menu board I realized that the prices were the same as their franchise outlets on the outside. And since I was hungry and was already lunch time, I ordered myself a plate of Chinese mixed rice from the Hanami food stall in the food court.

Lots of Char Siew and Honey Garlic Pork
In fact, there were a lot of people eating at the food court. The businesses there were really good. Better than many other food outlet outside the airport. I got myself a plate of fried rice with char siew, fried mixed vegetables, and honey garlic pork. It wasn't really authentic but good enough for a hungry person. The portion was also huge enough for two. And, I could not finish because of the larger than normal portion. So, I wrapped up the leftover for my long distance trip.

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