Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kampong Attap Honey Fried Chicken Curry Rice

Honey Fried Chicken Curry Rice
Kampong Attap honey Fried Chicken Curry Rice has been a popular spot for curry fish head enthusiasts for more than two decades in Kuala Lumpur. The place and the coffee shop has not changed much from the last time I ate here several years ago. One thing that is typical of this popular spot is the difficulty to find a parking spot for the car during lunch break. I had to drive around several times before a could find a spot to park.

Really Authentic Curry Rice
Just imagine the popularity of this curry fish head restaurant. I was there with my spouse and just the two of us would not be a good idea to order a fish head. We would not be able to finish. Instead, we settled for the honey fried chicken curry rice which was equally authentic as the curry fish head. Although, everyone call the cuisine honey fried chicken curry rice, the honey is not pure nor original. I suspect the sweet stuff is just sugar.

Tofu Puffs and Honey Fried Chicken
But the herbs and spices that was blended into the thick sweet gravy made the honey gravy really taste authentic and flavourful. I have been here many times and in spite of knowing the sweet stuff is not honey, I still come back again and again. There are other honey fried chicken stalls in the city but this is the more popular of all. From the consistently huge lunch crowd, you will notice that they are really doing well.

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