Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Awesome and Authentic Thai Cuisines

Squid Curry
One of the places I got to dine in Malaysia was a neighbourhood restaurant that specializes in authentic Thai cuisines when a long-time family friend invited us to dine with the family. This restaurant was not easy to find if one is not familiar with the surrounding road system in Kepong as it was hidden in between two adjacent neighbourhood of Kepong and Maluri atop an elevated parcel of land at the edge of the industrial park in Kepong.

Large Prawns with Petai Curry
And to make directions even more complicated, the restaurant does not have a name nor a sign outside its business location. I guess the people that come to dine here must have been referred by someone that had enjoyed the cuisines here. When we finally located the restaurant, I realized that we have been here many years before. And next to this restaurant, is another Chinese restaurant that also does not have a restaurant name displayed outside its' business premise.

Stir Fried Water Spinach
While waiting to be served, I noticed that the ambiance in the diner was not pleasant at all with smell of incense and joss stick burning creating excessive smoke in the diner. But most of the diners did not really care, they just went on with enjoying their dinner. As for me, my eyes were burning up with the excessive smoke. When our orders were finally served, we forgot about the smoke and the smell. We just ate as fast as we could so that we can get out of the restaurant.

Otak-Otak in Coconut
The diner might be a torment for some people but the cuisines were really good, tasty, flavourful and unique. I am not sure if the cuisines were authentic as I am not familiar with all of Thai cuisines. But I am sure everyone that have eaten here will agree that, they serve some pretty good Thai cuisines. I wish, I could have said that I truly enjoyed the meal there. The ambiance in the diner needs to be improved and comfort for diners should be a consideration.

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