Saturday, May 20, 2017

Hainanese Chicken Rice

Hainanese Chicken Rice
This is the more popular chicken rice among all different types of chicken rice. Hainanese chicken rice is made famous by the Hainanese clan who have immigrated to Malaysia to provide labor in the tin mines during the glory days of the mining industry in Malaysia. And among the heritage that was introduced by the Hainanese clan in Malaysia were in the form of this fine delicious chicken rice cuisine.

Chinese Malaysian Chicken Rice
So, this Hainanese chicken rice cuisine that started in Malaysia has become so popular that it has become a cuisine synomymous to Malaysian cuisines. Today, the Hainanese chicken rice is listed in the menus of Malaysian restaurants all over the world. In Vancouver, the Hainanese chicken rice are found in all the Malaysian restaurants. On top of that there are two locations that particularly serve the Hainanese Chicken rice.

Chicken Rice
The Hainanese chicken rice is served with two different types of chicken cuisine. First choice is roasted chicken and the second boiled chicken. Other than preparing the chicken using a special chicken recipe, the chicken rice itself is also cooked with fried garlic, chicken broth, chicken fat, and ginger. Than, the chicken meat can be combined with Char Siew and Roasted Pork. I like my chicken rice with just roasted chicken. The chilli sauce that comes with this chicken rice cuisine is a mix of chilli, vinegar, sesame seed oil, and chicken broth.

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