Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Authentic Korean Cuisines at Hanok

Platter of Steam Pork Trotters
Sometimes, my kids and I like to try something different for a change, meaning change authenticity of the cuisine. So, there was one day we decided to have authentic Korean cuisines instead. We were actually in Richmond on that day and while looking for a restaurant to dine in, we noticed this restaurant somewhere along Alexandra Road in Richmond. We had in previous occasions mentioned that we should go try out this particular Korean restaurant's cuisines, when we pasted by. We have dined at other Korean restaurants around the Korean Village on North Road many time before but definitely this would be the first time in Richmond.

The choices of cuisines in Hanok Korean Restaurant was so different from our previous Korean restaurant experience. They were very unique. Our first cuisine served was the steam pork trotters which looked really yummy. The pork trotters was pre-marinated in soy sauce before placed in the steamer. And the way it was prepared seem so easy. The meat was tender and done perfectly delicious.

House Tofu
The other cuisine that I am going to mention is the House Tofu. Hanok Restaurant actually make their own tofu. In fact, I later found out that they are known for their house tofu. And the way the tofu was cooked was just awesomely good. The tofu were first made into balls then fried. And after that place all the fried tofus, then, garnished with teriyaki sauce, some strips of fresh bell peppers, onions and cucumbers. Surprisingly, this cuisine blended perfectly well. There were sweet taste of the teriyaki sauce, crunchiness of the tofu and also the softness in the tofu. This was another authentic Korean cuisine. Also, we were served with small little plates of the different kimchi.

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