Sunday, May 1, 2016

Simple Home Cooked Cuisines

Stir Fried Yu Choy with Anchovies
Today, I am introducing you to cuisines that are commonly cooked in Chinese homes. And these are some of my favorite home cooked cuisines too. Let's start with the most simple of the three. Simple as to, yu choy blench in hot boiling water and garnished with a few spoons of oyster flavoured sauce, one spoon of vegetable oil and a handful of fried anchovies. This is also a very common Chinese Malaysian vegetable cuisine which can be found in nearly every Chinese Malaysian homes but the ingredients used for the preparation may differ slightly. In Hong Kong the Cantonese style of cooking this yu choy cuisine does not include the fried anchovies.

Fried Mackerel
Then, the next cuisine may not be as simple but just as delicious. Only if I can provide the smell of this cuisine over the internet, that would be incredible. There are certain types of fish that would not even need sauce or gravy to taste and smell great when cooked. And mackerel is one of them. All I did was fry the fish whole, after removing the guts and gills. I make sure the fish was really clean. Then, apply sprinkles of fine salt over the fish and straight into the hot frying pan with about four to five spoons of cooking oil. Other than adding taste, the salt would avoid the fish from sticking to the pan but nowadays there are really good non-stick pans available. After the fish is done on both sides, transfer to a serving plate and sprinkle some of the hot cooking oil from the pan onto the fish. I like to also add a few spoons of light soy sauce onto the fish.

Fried Shrimps with Five Spice
And finally, the last cuisine for the evening is the five spice fried shrimps with onions. We just like the taste and smell of onions in our cuisine. In fact, we use a lot of onions, shallots and garlic in Penang cooking. I like to make cooking enjoyable and simple. Not to have too many ingredients and items into one cuisine. Unlike, restaurants where, presentations add color and value to the cuisines, at home there is no need for all of that except in situation where the the ingredients are necessary to add the flavours and taste. Before cooking, marinate the cleaned fresh shrimps with two spoons of five spice and allow the shrimps to sit in the fridge for about five minutes. In a hot pan add two spoons of cooking oil and throw in some curry leaves. Wait until the kitchen fills with the aroma of the curry leaves and add the marinated shrimps into the hot wok. Transfer everything form the wok to a serving plate once the shrimp is cooked.

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