Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homemade Crunchy Fried Shrimp Wuntun

Fried Shrimp Wuntun
Yesterday, I cooked up some Fried Shrimp Wuntun at home. And all that was needed for the cuisine was shrimps and wuntun skin.

I usually use the whole one kilogram bag of fresh shrimps. When I mentioned fresh, means with skin but no head. I rather peel the skin and keep the skins for some other cuisine use. And, don't use cooked shrimp for this cuisine. I would like the shrimp to cook inside the wrapped wuntun while in the frying process. So, that the flavour of the shrimp is retained in the wuntun. First, the shrimps has to be cleaned. And then, marinated with two spoons of sesame seed oil and two spoons of oyster flavoured sauce.

Home Cook Fried Shrimp Wuntun
Allow the marinated shrimps to sit for about twenty minutes in the fridge before wrapping them in the wuntun. I like to use the thin wuntun skin but sometimes even the popiah skin (spring roll skin) is good as  wrapper. The popiah skin is especially crunchy when used in place of the wuntun skin. Just use one piece per wuntun. And if, the spring roll skin is too big, cut to size. Therefore, for frying the spring roll skin is the better choice. But if the wuntun is meant for wuntun soup, then the wuntun skin would be more appropriate. Other than shrimp as the only stuffing in the fried wuntun, it can be replaced with fish paste, crab meat, ground pork or mix of these.

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