Sunday, May 29, 2016

Chinese Steamboat or Hot Pot

Hot Pot with Special Components
If there are more than ten people to dine and short of time to cook, the best option would be to do a steamboat or commonly referred to as hot pot in Vancouver. There are significant number of hot pot restaurants in Malaysia but more prominent in the major cities where there are larger Chinese population. Chinese Malaysians loves the hot pot. Originated from the Hakka clan but now, clearly every Chinese community does hot pot during traditional celebrations. Especially, when there are large gatherings of friends and family members. We brought this hot pot tradition to Vancouver and the selection of cuisine components are still very Malaysian.

Chinese Malaysian Steamboat
The soup are usually, chicken broth, anchovy broth, pork broth or to add a little spice, the tom yam broth. To prepare the chicken broth, we would use lots of chicken bones, the anchovy broth, uses lots of anchovies and the pork broth uses pork bones, either ribs, back or trotters. As for the tom yam broth, we would use the tom yam paste and add two stalk of lemon grass, lime leaves and ginger roots. Preparation of the broth usually proceeds everything else on the day of the hot pot meal. Just boil the broth for about an hour and remove all the bones before adding salt. Do not throw away the bones as some people do like the bones.

Home Cook Hot Pot
Just to give you an idea as what are the things that can usually go into a hot pot. The list can be expanded as to the number of diners and as to items available. The common components of the hot pot can be fish (usually whole), Fish Cakes, Tofu (all types), Stuffed vegetables and stuff tofu puffs, Meat Wrapped Tofu Skin, Meat Balls, Fish Balls, Chicken Strips, Pork Meat, Beef Meat, Squids, Shrimps, Mushrooms (at least three types), processed or imitation crab meat, Crab claws, different types of noodles, eggs and different types of vegetables. Everything is consumed while it is hot and steamy that is why the name steamboat. The best occasion to have a hot pot meal is during a cold winter night.

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