Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Famous Penang Char Keow Teow in The Park

Penang Char Keow Teow
I got together with some close friends at Barnet Marine Park in Burnaby to celebrate Mothers' Day and enjoy the great sunny day over a plate of the Famous Penang Char Keow Teow. Most of the components were prepared by another friend and I arrived with the balanced of the ingredients and the cooking apparatus, ready to fry up some Penang Char Keow Teow.

I have always enjoyed cooking for this group of friends because they too enjoy good authentic Penang cuisines. In fact, we have had many gatherings like this and sometimes we go as far as Sunshine Coast, Bowen Island and Buntzen Lake just to name a few. Collectively, we like to explore different places and change of scenery.
Best Penang Char Keow Teow in Town
But every time when we meet the activity has always been around food. We have had countless of potlucks, cook outs and picnics, which, all involves cooking and sharing different cuisines.

This Char Keow Teow cook out has attracted all of our group members that are presently living in Vancouver. Which consist of ten families, all of which originated from Malaysia. Sometimes we have a family or two outside our group joining us when someone has a guess visiting from out of town. So, between us, we have mastered many different Malaysian cuisines, namely Chinese Malaysian cuisines. Therefore, we hardly dine at Malaysian restaurants because we can sometimes cook up Malaysian cuisines that are authentic, tastier and more flavourful than these restaurants.

Authentic Penang Char Keow Teow
Together, we are so fortunate and creative. We share our cuisine adventures and cook for each other so that we can explore the authentic tastes of Malaysia even when we are far away from the origin of our familiar tastes and flavours. Together, we solve our cravings for the tastiest, flavourful and authentically Malaysian cuisines. I think we are unique, we are the only group of friends anywhere in the world that share common tastes and flavours. And Penang Char Keow Teow is definitely the authentic Penang cuisine to crave for.

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