Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mek Thai and Malaysian Restaurant

Mek's Mamak Mee Goreng
Mek Thai and Malaysian Restaurant in Surrey on hundred and fourth avenue  is one of the two Malay owned restaurant in Vancouver. I came here once before some time back. May be two years ago. We, that is my wife, two other friends and I, decided to have lunch in one of the Malaysian restaurant in Surrey and when we got there the restaurant was closed. So, we quickly diverted to Mek which was the other nearest choice.

If I remembered correctly, my first experience dining at Mek was not really good. The food wasn't really bad but I was not satisfied with the cleanliness of the diner. The floor were sticky and the tables were oily. And the place was dark inside. I like to see the food I put into my mouth.

Mek's Nasi Briyani Chicken
So, after spending at least ten to fifteen minutes looking for parking, we finally were able to walk into the diner. First impression was, it was so much cleaner and the floors not sticky as before. And the people managing the the restaurant has also changed. It seems the wife to the previous proprietor is managing the place now. I went ahead to order our food as there were no other diners in the restaurant at that time.

The first item served was the Mamak Mee Goreng which judging by Malaysian standards was not even close to authenticity. The cuisine has the wrong condiments, components and ingredients even to closely look like a Mamak Mee Goreng. It even tasted different altogether from an authentic Mamak Mee Goreng.

Mek's Fruit Rojak
The next item served was the Chicken Briyani Rice which looked like a briyani rice cuisine and tasted like a briyani rice but lacked the flavour and fragrance of a good briyani rice cuisine. And finally, the fruit rojak was the closes to good and authentic. But yet again, this was the first time I have bean sprouts in fruit rojak. I don't really know about the authenticity of their Thai cuisines because I never did return to this restaurant often enough. After this second experience, I don't think I am going to come back to dine here on my own. If I do, it will be a very long time from now.

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