Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Most Popular Authentic Malaysian Home Cook Cuisine

Simple Coconut Milk Fragrant Rice Cuisine
Nasi Lemak is the most popular authentic Malaysian home cook cuisine. It is rice cooked with thick coconut milk, screw pine leaves and ginger to fragrant the rice. But the cuisines that is served with the fragrant rice can be as simple as boiled eggs and fried anchovies to as elaborate as curry beef rendang. The best, tastiest and flavourful nasi lemak in Malaysia are not necessarily found in three stars or fine dining restaurants but often at road side food carts. Or at some rundown coffee shops in some secluded villages.

Home Cooke Nasi Lemak
But one thing is definite, is that most Malaysians that knows how to cook, knows how to cook the nasi lemak and the simple type of cuisines that are served with it. I like my nasi lemak simple. Sometimes, even with a piece of fried fish, some fried anchovies, some fried ground nuts and a boiled egg. I sometimes marinate the fish fillet and shrimp in tamarind juice before frying. The tamarind juice will add flavour and taste. But as far as I know, only the Penang Baba Nyonya prepare the nasi lemak fried cuisines this way.

Dried Shrimp Sambal
Another cuisine item that is always served with nasi lemak is the chilli paste which we call the sambal. Then, there is the shrimp paste sambal, sardine sambal, plain sambal and so on. My favorite among the sambals for nasi lemak is undoubtedly the dried shrimp sambal. And for the simplest sambal, the sardine sambal is easiest to prepare and cook. The Nasi Lemak has always been synonymous to Malaysian cuisines and will remain so for a long time. There are plenty of recipes out on the internet on preparing and cooking nasi lemak.

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