Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Old Cantonese Restaurant in Vancouver's Chinatown

Spicy Rock Salt Shrimps
On Keefer Street in the Fame Heritage Chinatown of Vancouver lies several ethnic Chinese eateries. And among them is one of the oldest Cantonese restaurant chain in Vancouver known as HONS Wuntun House. The Cantonese restaurant has been in Chinatown for more than three decades which has actually been around quite long as most eateries don't last more than ten years in Chinatown without evolving into a fusion between the old and new. The changing expectations, especially the taste of this generation of diners has drastically evolved to include healthier and hygienic elements.

Fried Chicken Wings
I was at the HONS wuntun House in Chinatown several days ago with my family and some friends visiting from overseas. The Cantonese cuisines served here is not exactly the most presentable, neither are the cuisines the most tasty and flavourful. But HONS still manages to attract consistent crowd of diners. I believe the main reason is their affordable and competitive menu prices. I have been here many times over the years and they have not raised their prices. And they have not changed their menu items either. So, the patrons that come to HONS are among the older generation and they don't expect much changes with the cuisines or the type of service provided.

Fried Smelt Fish
I decided to order some familiar cuisines and one or two that were new to us. Our favorite Spicy Rock Salt Shrimps was really tasty and flavourful this time. The shrimps were especially fresh and tender. The Fried Chicken Wings were also deliciously tasty and flavourful too. I guess we were really fortunate that most of the cuisines we ordered were great that day. Our friends were impressed with the authenticity and taste of the Cantonese cuisines served at HONS. Our third and another favorite cuisine was the Fried Smelt Fish. These were small little fish that was fried with onions and sprinkle of salt.

Seafood Clay Pot Cuisine
The next cuisine that we ordered were the Seafood Clay Pot cuisine. This cuisine was the only one among the cuisines we ordered that has gravy. The gravy was so flavourful and tasty. I love mixing the gravy with my bowl of rice. In the clay pot there were squid, shrimps, scallops, friend tofu, mushrooms and some vegetables. There were two other cuisines that we had ordered. And they were the Fried Beef Strips and the Fried Fish Fillet with Fresh Broccoli. We had a really satisfying meal that day and our friends loved the place and the Cantonese cuisines too.

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