Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Seatown Chinese Restaurant Serving East Asia Cuisines

Boiled Chicken
Heard of this restaurant from one Malaysian friend. So our group of, 'jalan jalan cari makan friends', decided to give the new restaurant a try. We first made arrangements to meet at my place, which is quite central. And then, we went together in a convoy of four cars. The new restaurant is located in Pitt Meadows which is about fifty kilometres from the point where we met to start the journey together. Along the journey, there were not much to see in terms of scenery until we got to the city limits of Pitt Meadows. Seatown Chinese Restaurant is located right in the middle of the town and on the main road going through downtown.

Curry Beef
Parking was very convinient, there were ample parking lots behind and in front of the restaurant. Since we arrived in such a big group, and to accommodate all of us, we were separated into two groups. So, the ladies shared a table and the gentlemen took the other beside them. Our intention was to try the restaurant's Malaysian cuisines and especially the Tai Lok Mean. The news we heard was, the chef that used to own the restaurant in Burnaby serving very good and authentic Tai Lok Mean was involved in this new establishment in Pitt Meadows. So, we made this trip to sample and support his new venture. And of cause an excuse for us to get together and to jalan jalan cari makan.

Fried Beef Noodle
Although new as a venture, the restaurant sits in an older building which premise used to house another Chinese restaurant. The dining hall is huge, I counted fifteen smaller tables (four seats) and four large tables (twelve seats). Pretty good size for a small town restaurant. This establishment may be the only Chinese restaurant in the town because I did not see any other in the vicinity. And on their sign outside the restaurant, it mentioned East Asia Cuisines. So, they are announcing that they are not just serving Chinese cuisines but East Asian cuisines. Which is kind of unique.

Tai Lok Mean
The first thing we did after we were shown to our tables was to screen through their menu. And it has a good range of Cantonese and East Asian cuisines. We took several minutes to deliberate what to order and when we finally decided we just order whatever cuisines that we were familiar with. And of cause that included the main cuisines which we came for, the Tai Lok Mean. We were not impressed with the Tai Lok Mean, we unanimously felt that the taste, flavour and authenticity of the noodle cuisine was lacking. Seems like our previous Tai Lok Mean experience was much better. Given the benefit of doubt, may be because it is their second day of opening, we will have to come back a few weeks later to try again.

Shrimp Fried Rice
We ordered quite a few different cuisines, mixing between rice cuisines and noodle cuisines. We wanted to try out as many variety as possible. And the advantage dining with large group of people, we can have a wider range of cuisines. At the end, we ordered about seven different cuisines but doubled on each cuisine for the two tables. We were also pleasantly awarded with the dessert of the day. A bowl of bubur cha-cha for each of us, compliments from the chef. So, in all we had eight courses for the lunch.

Singapore Fried Bee Hoon
Our overall dining experience at Seatown Chinese Restaurant was not up to our expectations. May be because we expect too much for a newly open restaurant. But having said that we felt that the authenticity could have been better than what we have tasted and flavoured in the cuisines prepared by the experienced chef. The cuisines that we ate actually has good taste and flavour but lacks the authenticity of the real Malaysian cuisines. Close but not there yet. But we have faith in the ability of the Malaysian chef, he has proven to be a good chef preparing Malaysian cuisines before. Given the time, he should do well and improve on the authenticity of the East Asian cuisines.

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