Thursday, June 2, 2016

One of The Most Famous Penang Cuisine

Penang Lobak
Although this cuisine is found nearly everywhere in Penang, mostly in the Chinese coffee shops that host among others a food cart selling a mix of fried finger food such as shrimp fritters, fried tofu, fried fish cake, crab meat, the thousand year old egg and so on. Lobak, as it is commonly known in Penang and else where in Malaysia among the Chinese, is a must have item. Lobak is actually a mixed of pork marinated with five spice, stuffed in layers of crispy soy skin. Synonymous to Penang Chinese cuisines, Lobak is a delicious meat wrapped fried in oil that originated with the Teochew clan of Penang.

The Famous Lobak
Today, Lobak cuisine is found in every corner of Malaysia through to Singapore. In Singapore it has evolved to form another name and the preparation method is slightly different from the way Lobak is prepared in Penang. But still, the ingredients and components of the Lobak, still remains the same. There are several recipes found on the internet for this authentic cuisine but like always, I like the simple preparation method used by the food cart cooks that make a living selling this cuisine. In fact, they have perfected their skills in Lobak making over the years and no where else can we find so many of such experts except in Penang.

Teochew Lobak
The soy skin for making Lobak is unique. In Penang, we call them the Teochew soy skin because the Teochew people were the ones who first discovered the process in making these unique soy skin. Now, it is mess produced. Even, that it is manufactured by the Teochew people in China and only found in provinces where the Teochew clan lives. The pork filling is a mixture of pork (cut in strips or minced), carrot cubes, taro cubes, and onions. Then, marinate and leave overnight (in the fridge) with five spices and corn flour. I know of some cooks that add cabbages in the pork fillings to increase the volume and cut costs but I rather not use cabbage.

When wrapping the fillings into the soy sheet, make sure the stuffings are tightly wrapped inside the Lobak roll to avoiding any of the liquid and fillings from escaping into the cooking oil use for the frying. To glue the ends of the soy sheet together, I use chicken egg. Its like glueing the envelope lid but instead of water, I use chicken egg.

When frying the Lobak roll, use medium or slow heat. So that the inside fillings are well cooked. We cook the Lobak very often at home and occasionally brings them to potlucks and cook outs.

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