Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Home Cook Authentic Malaysian Wuntun Noodle

Dried Wuntun Noodle
We cooked up some authentic Malaysian style, non-gravy (dried with soy sauce) wuntun noodle. Or commonly known as Kon Lo Mean in Cantonese. I had earlier prepared some shrimp wuntun and barbecue pork. So, when I bought a pack of wuntun noodle, it was just suitable to prepare them for this wuntun noodle cuisine. The shrimp wuntun, barbecue pork and the raw wuntun noodle were all cooked separately. Only when we have all the right components for the wuntun noodle cuisine ready that we were able to complete this wuntun noodle cuisine.

Home Cook Wuntun Noodle Cuisine
Therefore, from scratch, the preparation time for this cuisine can be really long because the barbecue pork itself takes at least two to three hours to barbecue. Then, preparing the meat stuffings and wrapping the wuntun also require time. Once we have all the components for the wuntun noodle cuisine ready, the noodle too needs to be blenched. Then, there are also many types of noodles that can be used for this kind of cuisine. I like and prefer the egg noodle for wuntun noodle cuisine. The sauce is a mix of cooking oil, sesame seed oil, oyster flavoured sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper and garlic oil.

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