Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dining at the top of the mountain

Ilia's Club House with Fried Chicken Breast
Went up to the mountain to dine with some of my colleagues in Club Ilia at SFU's corner stone which is located in SFU's Burnaby campus. I have been here several occasions before and each time here, I like to try out something different. For a rather small set up, Club Ilia has a pretty good range of cuisines, serving western type cuisines to eastern cuisines, which I have had the chance to try most of them at different occasions. The other day, when I was there, I ordered the Ilia's Club House, which is their signature cuisine. The chicken burger was a mouthful. The cuisine came with alternatives of fries or salad but I asked for half portion of each.

Fried Rice
Among the orders made from among my colleagues were the more familiar eastern cuisine, fried rice which was garnished with spring onions and bean sprouts. Looks really delicious but looks can be deceiving. I have had the Thai Green Curry Chicken with Rice cuisine during my previous occasion here and that was okay. So, I felt this Asian cuisine should be just as tasty and flavourful. This was the only Asian cuisine from the menu ordered that day. The person eating the fried rice, said he liked it.

Beef Steak
There were twelve of us dining at Club Ilia on that day and each of us had ordered a cuisine different from the other. So, I had the chance to take the photos of twelve different cuisines but I have only selected just a few photos of the best cuisines among the samples to showcase in this article because I would like you to see the range of cuisines served at Club Ilia is really wider than one could imaging. The food served here are kind of decently good and flavourful but the choices are also plentiful.

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