Monday, June 27, 2016

Roast Duck in a pack

Ready to Eat Roast Duck in a pack
I was grocery shopping in T&T the other day and as usual would head direct for the seafood section first before checking out the other sections in the supermarket. I don't normally go grocery shopping with a list, which I used to do. I prefer to pick items that are on sale. If I were to shop with a list, I will prioritize the list and often ended up paying much more. But, for essentials, I will usually stock up when the price is right. Items like salt, sugar, soy sauce, ketchup and cooking oil are basically the things I stock.

Authentic Roast Duck Cuisine
So, after my walk about of the seafood, meat and vegetable sections, I will check out the other parts of the supermarket. While walking past the stand up freezer section, I noticed a sale sign that reads, two for the price of one. That sign captured my attention, and it was cooked roast duck on sale. There were two different packages. One was half roast duck but boneless and the other was a whole roast duck with bones. Both were cooked, and just require ten minutes of heating to serve. That was actually a very good deal, buy two packs for the price of one. The offer was even cheaper than the whole duck displayed in the take away food section.

Fried Egg Omelette with Bitter Gourd
When we got home, I decided to open one of the packed roast duck. We chose the boneless one. Put the half boneless roast duck into the oven to heat for ten minutes and it was ready to eat. I added some blenched yu choy and cucumber to the serving plate. And also fried egg omelette with bitter gourd for a complete dinner meal that evening. The roast duck was really tasty and flavourful. It may not be as good as the freshly roasted ones but was authentic and tasty enough for us.

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