Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Home Cook Ginseng Chicken Soup

Ginseng Chicken Soup
The all mighty Chinese traditional ginseng herb for soup. It is believed by many Chinese that the ginseng root is the herb that has many useful medicinal cures. Ginseng has traditionally been taken to aid in several medicinal conditions but I like the aroma more than its medicinal values. I came across the fresh roots sold in T&T Supermarket a few days ago and bought one pack of the root to try it out. So, I simply boiled the ginseng root in a pot of water and add chicken, dried dates, sesame seed oil and a pinch of salt for taste. And there I have ginseng soup for dinner.

Home Cook Ginseng Chicken Soup
But the aroma wasn't as strong as I would have expected. I thought this farmed fresh ginseng root was going to have a strong ginseng smell but I was wrong. So, now I learned that the aged ginseng roots which fetches prices up to the thousands of dollars are the really good ones. There are lots of these dried ginseng roots display in Chinese Medicinal shops and they are supposed to be the aged ginsengs. Most are cultivated today in ginseng farms which happen to be situated in US, China and Korea.

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