Sunday, July 24, 2016

Kids Day in the Kitchen

Homecook Pepperoni Pizza
My children sometimes volunteer to cook lunch and dinner on the weekends. And, when they do that my wife and I leave the kitchen to them to do whatever they want. But once in a while they will run out of the kitchen asking for help. Especially, the whereabouts of certain ingredients they need. Our kitchen cabinet are pretty much stocked up and arranged in a systematic order but still some of the bottles, bags, boxes, and cans are stacked right deep into the cabinets. The kids usually manage themselves well in the kitchen. Often they are being over creative and follow exactly whatever they see and read on the internet.

Home Cooked Roast Duck
This is the way kids today use information. In our days, we ask our parents for cooking advice but kids today are overwhelmed with all kinds of information from the internet, even with cooking recipes and processes. Internet has become the most important communication media and an integral part of our lives today. We have to allow and encourage our kids to embrace this technological advancement to keep pace with the technology savvy environment in order to succeed in their chosen careers.

Sushi Mix
In the kitchen on their own, they cooked up three distinctively different cuisines with whatever they could find in the kitchen. The first was a familiar western cuisine. So, we ate the home cooked Pepperoni Pizza for lunch. While the other two cuisines were being prepared for dinner. Surprisingly, the kids prepared and cooked Roast Duck. The roast duck was cooked to perfection following the recipe for roast duck the kids found on the internet. And finally, they also rolled up some creative sushi and tempuras. I am really proud and happy with their ability to follow instructions from the internet.

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