Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Flavourful Bean Sprouts and Salted Fish Cuisine

Bean Sprouts with Salted Fish
Salted fish is somewhat of an exotic food item in Vancouver. The variety of salted fish sold in the Chinese medical/herbal shops in Vancouver are mostly if not all are imported. I found the prices of salted fish here to be a little too expensive for my taste. It is also quite expensive compared to the fresh fish in Malaysia but never that much of a different. In Vancouver the prices are sometimes doubled of the fresh fish. Because of that, I rather eat fresh fish than the salted version.

So, at home, we seldom cook with salted fish because the ones that I have in the fridge were brought here from Malaysia. Every time my spouse or I travel, we will buy among other seafood stuff, a piece of the best salted fish (meat only).

Flavourful Bean Sprouts
Yesterday, we sliced a piece of that salted fish and fried it. Then, blench a plate full of bean sprouts and throw them into the hot wok that was previously used to fry the salted fish. Mixed the leftover cooking oil with the bean sprouts and garnish with the chopped fried salted fish. The salted fish adds flavour to the bean sprouts cuisine but overall, still needs to add a pinch of salt for taste. This bean sprouts cuisine used to be a simple cuisine and also the cuisine for the poor because both salted fish and bean sprouts were really affordable. But today, only the able and affluent can afford this cuisine.

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