Friday, December 23, 2016

Barbecue Spare Ribs for Dinner

Barbecue Spare Ribs
We decided to have Western dinner but home cooked. Earlier in the day yesterday, I went to Costco for some grocery shopping yesterday. And other than picking our usual stuff like eggs, bread, fruits and cereal, I bought a box of barbecue spare ribs too. I though of blending the spare ribs with rice rather than mash potatoes. And for salad I will use up the remainder of the leftover raw vegetables I brought back from the community potluck the other day.

Western Style Dinner
Yes, the raw vegetables were still fresh but I am going to cook everything. The barbecue spare ribs were easy because it was already cooked. All that is to be done was to heat in the oven for twenty minutes on high heat. While the spare ribs was in the oven, I boiled a pot of water and added a few drops of olive oil into it. The olive oil will create a shinning glaze on the vegetables. Once the rice, vegetables and the spare ribs were done, I separated the items into different plates.

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