Saturday, December 24, 2016

Foo Chow Rice Wine Noodle

Chinese Red Cooking Wine Noodle Soup
We are so blessed to have friends that can cook traditional cuisines. We were invited to a friend's place for some real traditional Chinese red cooking wine noodle soup. And this was not the first time. In fact, we have this special noodle soup once a year and always cooked by the same friend. The Chinese red cooking wine noodle soup is a traditional specialty only synonymous to the Foo Chow clan in Malaysia.

Red Wine Fried Chicken
But this time, the friend also used the red rice wine to marinate some chicken drumstick which later fried. The fried chicken drumsticks were deliciously good and tasty. All of us that we invited really enjoyed the meal and had a good chat about the happenings and events in Malaysia. Much of the conversation were on politics and the rest on the best cuisines, the whereabouts and ingredients for the best flavours and taste of Malaysia.

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