Saturday, December 17, 2016

Western Buffet at Workplace

Plater full of great cuisines
I was among the staff that was feted at a recent company lunch buffet. In the morning we attended professional development training on safety and risk management. Then, for lunch we were all feted to a sumptuous lunch. On the menu was turkey, salmon, chicken, and a range of different salads. And equally impressive was the selection of sweet desserts and cakes. I also took two fresh dinner rolls and a few pieces of the smoked salmon.

Buffet Lunch
I had to try everything, even the briyani rice but all I could eat was one plate full. So, I took a small portion of everything and filled my plate as much as I could. I was determine not to go for seconds. I did managed a small second plate of fruits. Every now and then, I do get a chance to try out western type buffets at work. In fact this occasion would have been my fourth for the year and still have one or two more scheduled before the end of the year.

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