Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Korean Noodle Soup with Fried Fish Wonton

Korean Noodle Soup
We cooked Korean Noodle soup for dinner yesterday. Since everyone was coming home later because of school activities and work, I figured a warm hot bowl of noodle soup would be fitting. And on top of that, it is already in winter. The best thing to do in winter is sipping from a bowl of hot soup. I did this often when I was studying in Oklahoma. I used to boil a pot of water and make instant noodles in the middle of a cold winter night. The hot bowl of hot noodle soup was really refreshing and can warm a person up.

Korean Noodle Soup
I have a few packs of these thick white Korean noodle left in the fridge. So, might as well use them up. First I blenched the noodles in hot boiling water and then, separated them into individual bowls. In another larger pot, I prepared the soup with seven cups of water. Then, dropped in two spoons of wonton soup flavoured stock. I added some hand knead meat balls, fish paste, and lettuce into the soup. Allow the soup to boil then, add three scoops into each of the serving bowls with the noodles already in them.

Fried Fish Paste Wontons
The fried wontons were wrapped and fried while we were preparing the Korean Noodle Soup. We used fish paste for the fillings and did not add any sauce or flavours to it. The fried wontons turned out to be just as good as if we have added shrimps to them. The fish paste was flavourful and the wonton skin was crunchy. Just the way we liked it. It took three of us less than an hour to prepare dinner last night and even faster for us to consume the food we had cooked. Very simple dinner but satisfying as well.

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