Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Barbecue Pork Satay

Satay Pork
We barbecued pork satay for dinner last night. My wife have been planning this satay cuisine for a number of days and yesterday she decided to cook satay using pork meat. She had marinated the pork meat the day before and left the meat in the fridge overnight. Yesterday morning, she skewered the meat on satay sticks and put them back into the fridge after she was done. Later in the afternoon, when the kids came home from school, she asked them to barbecue the satay on the portable grill that we use for picnics while she prepares the other dishes in the kitchen.

Peanut Sauce for Satay
One of the items that she was preparing that would be complement the pork satay was the peanut sauce which she cooked from scratch. She had also prepared the sticky rice that Malaysians like to eat with the satay peanut sauce called the nasi hempit. Again, we enjoyed yesterday's dinner with one dish, just like the day before. Traditionally, satay would be served with several variety of barbecue meat such as beef, chicken and lamb, sticky rice, cut cucumbers and onions, and the peanut sauce. I like eating the peanut sauce with toast bread too. Really tasty and flavourful.

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