Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Chinese Malaysian Home Cook Cuisines

Deep Fried Tofu with Pickled Shallots
Although I would prefer something spicy and hot for my meals like curry and sambals, especially when I am cooking in the kitchen. But if my wife was doing the cooking, she would prefer more plain and less curry type dishes. Yesterday, she was doing the cooking and she cooked up some really authentic Chinese Malaysian cuisines. She often does the cooking nowadays as I am especially busy with work. Sometimes I would be on my computer from morning until late in the night.

Stuffed Tofu Puffs
She too is a pretty good home cook. Some of the recipes were learned watching cooking videos on the internet. But mostly learned from observing and asking my mother and mother-in-law. Her favorite food item to cook with is tofu. And she can create many different Chinese cuisines from tofu. Yesterday, she fried four pieces of soft tofu until they turned brown and garnished with pickled shallots with red chillies. Simple and healthy without sauce or dip. Next, she stuff tofu puffs with ground pork and then fried them in medium heat in a frying pan.

Salted Fish & Ground Pork on Egg Plant
After that she also prepared another cuisine that uses ground pork. But she blend the ground pork with some chopped shrimps and salted fish. Mixed the ground pork, salted fish and chopped shrimps with a little bit of pepper, oyster flavour sauce and a pinch of salt for flavour. Put a spoonful of the ground pork paste on a sliced egg plant then bake in the oven for twenty minutes on three hundred fifty degrees Celsius. You can also steam the whole egg plant with the meat toppings in a Chinese wok. So, instead of baking the alternative is to steam.

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