Sunday, October 9, 2016

Chinese Hot Noodle (Malat Mein)

Chinese Hot Noodle
My wife and I went to a Chinese friend's place over the weekend. When we were there she was preparing dinner and cooking for a bunch of high school kids that were living with her. She has been hosting these kids that came to school here from mainland China. When the cooking was done, she insisted that we stayed for dinner as well. She had cooked the authentic Chinese hot noodle for dinner and wanted me to try the noodle she had cooked.

Malat Noodle
I was watching her prepare and cook the noodle cuisine. And I noticed how simple the noodle cuisines was prepared. To begin with, the noodles were never fried but blenched in hot boiling water than dripped dry and mixed with the ingredients and sauces. She did stir fried the meat strips (pork), preserved mustard, onions and added about three sachets of the hot sauce onto the noodle after throwing in all the cooked noodle with the ingredients in a large bowl.

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