Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lunch at Richmond Public Market

Fried Capelin Fish
Yesterday was my grocery shopping day with my wife. And just like always, we have planned to shop in Chinatown and Richmond only. But because of the heavy traffic and being too ambitious with time, we have wasted too much of it in Chinatown. Therefore, in Richmond we have to make up that lost time. So, to save time, we headed directly to Richmond Public Market on Westminster Highway. As we were entering the main entrance to Richmond Public Market from the parking lot, we could see a lot of people inside the food court. After we walked past the the first stall and walking towards the main atrium, I saw lots of people queueing up in front of one of the food stall. So, curious as I was, I was going to come back for lunch after shopping.

Fried Spring Rolls
Apparently, the Public Market has good offers for vegetables and meats, so we walked around the wet market for a while and decided that we had shop enough for the day. As we were not really too keen to do any more grocery shopping, we just walk back up to the food court. As we were climbing up the stairs, the smell and commotions there caught our attention. We did not realized that the time had past our normal lunch time and we had not eaten lunch yet. I guessed the heavier than usual breakfast in the morning has kept us going without feeling hungry at all.

Fried Capelin and Fish Fillet with Steam Rice
Once we realized that it was lunch time, we turned back and started looking for something light and simple to eat for lunch. We were not going to eat too much because it was already just a few hours to dinner time. We decided to share lunch, eat quickly and save the time for shopping as we have to rush back in time to pick up the kids from school today. I bought a box of spring rolls and my wife bought a box of rice with two dishes. She had chosen the fried capelin and fried fish fillet. We could not finish the food we had bought although we shared them. In order not to waste, we took the leftover home.

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