Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Just Ate Tofus

I came home late from work yesterday and only had tofus for dinner. As it was already past ten in the evening, I skipped the rice but ate only the tofus. Anyway, I have already eaten some rice at work during the short break that I had at work. My wife had cooked three types of tofu cuisines which was sometimes our typical simple dinner. Especially when we are really busy with the kids' extracurricular activities, like their school band, air cadet trainings, or sport practice.

Tofu Dinner
She has fried stuffed tofu puffs with pork, fried pressed tofus, and steam soft tofu garnished with spring onions. I must have ate at least three different tofus. Tofus are just plain healthy food, they do not really have any taste or flavour. It is the sauces and the paste that is added in the cuisine that gives the tofu its taste. My family have been eating lots of tofu since we arrived here in Canada. I don't remember eating tofu that often in Malaysia. In fact, tofus are not only cheap but is available everywhere in Vancouver in different forms and types.

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