Thursday, November 10, 2016

Special Fried Squid Tentacles

Fried Squid Tentacles
This is one of the most difficult and messy cuisines to cook. Not that the recipe or the cooking methods are difficult but the process of cooking this fried squid tentacles really messes up the kitchen. Frying squid in hot cooking oil tends to pop and splashes cooking oil everywhere. The cleaning up takes more time than the eating. There are a lot of moisture in the squid, so when frying this liquid escape into the hot oil that causes the splashing.

Fried Squid
No matter how we control the stove heat or fire, the splashing of hot cooking oil will happen. We will drip the squid as dry as possible and then coat with a mixture of corn starch, bread crumbs, pepper and salt. If we want to reduce the splashing, use a small pot instead of a wok. But this tends to slow down the cooking process and usually takes twice as long to fry the same amount of squid. That is the reason why we only fry squid once in a very long time.

Wonton Soup
The next cuisine for dinner was something simpler since we had spend the extra time cleaning the kitchen. We decided to cook a pot of wonton soup. We wrapped the wonton with a mixture of fish paste, minced pork, and marinated with a few drops of sesame seed oil and oyster flavoured sauce. That took a quick ten minutes to cook while the earlier fried squid tentacles took us about an hour to cook and another thirty minutes to clean the kitchen. The soup I boiled pork ribs for base and added some black pepper. Then, garnish with chopped spring onions.

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