Monday, November 28, 2016

Kent's Economical Kitchen

Fried Fish Fillet
My wife and I went out together in the morning for an early appointment with our tax accountant. We were with him for about an hour and had time to spare for some shopping before heading home. So, we decided to drop in at 88 Supermarket which carries a lot of Asian stuff. And from the Accountant's office to 88 Supermarket was just about ten minutes away. I was looking for curry leaves in particular.

Sweet and Sour Pork
And so happened, 88 Supermarket is on the same street with Kent's Kitchen on Victoria Drive. Kent's Kitchen is a convinient and economical food outlet that specializes in take aways. They have been serving Cantonese style cuisines to the communities in Chinatown, Victoria Drive, and Kingsway (between Fraser Street and Victoria Drive). We have not been to Kent's Kitchen for quiet a while now as we hardly travel to this part of the city of late.

Stir Fried Pak Choy
Since we were already in the vicinity, we decided to stop at Kent's Kitchen to pick up a few ready cooked cuisines for dinner tonight. We selected two different cuisines. First was fried fish fillet and the second was sweet and sour pork. And all we have to do is warm up the two cuisines using the microwave before dinner and maybe prepare another vegetable cuisine or open a canned food. Some times we just supplement with fried omelette.

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