Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Taking Nasi Lemak to School for Lunch

Nasi Lemak with Curry Chicken
I woke up early this morning to prepare breakfast and lunch for the whole family. I have already gotten some of the ingredients and spices ready the night before. Except for the coconut milk fragrant rice, some of the other components of the Nasi Lemak cuisine could be prepared before hand, like the fried anchovies, roasted ground nuts, slice cucumbers and sambal. The first thing I did this morning was to cook the coconut milk fragrant rice.

Nasi Lemak Lunch
After that, I cooked the curry chicken. To save time, I used a pre-packed sauce or paste that I had bought from the grocery store a few days back. And I wanted to cook a different curry, so I used the famous Thai green curry paste for the chicken curry. The pre-packed curry paste was not as aromatic and flavourful as I hope it would have. But since it was still early in the morning and no grocery stores were opened yet, I could not add any extra spices to make it better.

My Dinner
At the same time, I also boiled a couple of eggs. And unshelled the eggs once they were cooked. Once the coconut milk fragrant rice were cooked, I started filling up the lunch containers. I started with laying the banana leaf in the bottom of the container and scooped the coconut milk fragrant rice onto the banana leaf. I continued with the curry chicken and the rest of the nasi lemak components on the rice too. As for me, this container of rice is going to be my dinner instead because I start work later today and finishes late.

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