Monday, January 30, 2017

Honey Garlic Pork from Costco Wholesale

Honey Garlic Pork
I was shopping in Costco Wholesale a few days ago and as I was passing by the frozen food aisle I noticed several shoppers filling up their shopping carts with boxes. Because of curiosity, I approached to investigate. And they were stacking up their shopping carts which boxes of honey garlic pork. The product was the new Honey Garlic Pork recently retailed at Costco Wholesale. The product was on sale and these shoppers were stacking up their carts faster than the store staff could replenish the product.

Cooked Honey Garlic Pork
So, I too join in the crowd. But I only took six boxes which I felt was plenty enough. Any more, I might have problem with storage. At that time, I was think that my freezer at home was almost full already. In the morning today, my wife decided to open one box of the honey garlic pork and prepare it for the kids take to school lunch. The honey garlic pork turned out to be really good. The kids loved it. So, after dropping them off at school, I when back to Costco and picked up another six boxes.

Steam Tofus
The Honey Garlic Pork was a cooked product. And all that is required in the preparation at home was reheating the meat (in bite size nuggets) in the oven for twenty minutes on three hundred seventy five degrees Celsius. So, the kids home cooked lunch was white steam rice with honey garlic pork and steam tofu. The tofu were sliced and steamed then after it was done, garnished with garlic oil and oyster flavoured sauce. My wife and I eat the same food for our lunch too. The honey garlic pork was really good and fresh.

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