Thursday, January 12, 2017

Singapore Fried Beehoon

Singapore Fried Beehoon
For dinner last night, I fried beehoon Singapore style. I have been busy the whole day yesterday, running errants and meeting with friends. So, I only came home with my wife at about eight in the night. Then, quickly grab whatever I can see and started preparing dinner. I still have beehoon and cabbage. And all I would need for the additional ingredient would be carrot, Chinese sausages and a bunch of bean sprouts.

Home Cooked Singapore Beehoon
I remembered that I still have some bean sprouts left from the previous day which would be enough for the Singapore Fried Beehoon. With everything in order, the preparation took less than ten minutes. And it took me another fifteen minutes to fry the beehoon. So, in less than thirty minutes I have dinner ready. Simple Singapore Fried Beehoon which was a good choice and does not need any other cuisines to go with it. It is in fact one of the simplest of noodle cuisines to cook.

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