Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Large Cocktail Shrimps for Dinner

Cocktail Shrimps
After work yesterday, I went to Walmart before coming home. I was attracted to drop in at Walmart because of the promotions on some of the regular food items they have published on their weekly brochure. And while I was shopping in the store, I also bought a plater of cocktail shrimps besides picking up some of their other promotional items. I don't normally buy shrimps from Walmart but this plater of shrimps was irresistible due to the very large size and ready to cook.

Garlic Fried Shrimps
And finally, the price was also very good, may be that was the irresistible part. The only other times that I have eaten cocktail shrimps were in functions in hotels or conferences. And that too was never this large. So, I wanted to try this at home and at the same time, this large shrimp plater could be one of the dishes for dinner as well. Otherwise, I could combine the shrimps with salad for lunch tomorrow or even fry them with other stuff. And that was exactly what I did with the leftovers this morning.

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