Wednesday, January 4, 2017

MacDonalds' MacRibs

We had to try this seasonal offer. Not found or even available in Vancouver, the MacDonalds' MacRibs. One day while driving around the town where we had put up the night in a hotel, looking for breakfast I saw this advertisement on MacDonalds' outlet about their MacRibs. So, again for curiosity sake, I drove through the drive through to buy two sets of MacRibs. My kids have been talking about how good the reviews were for MacRibs and we have to try it.

So, it was an opportunity since we do not have this on any MacDonalds' Restaurant's menu back in Vancouver. Other than the two sets of MacRibs, I also ordered two boxes of the chicken nuggets. No matter where we go, MacDonalds' is still the most convinient and familiar diner. Generally, they serve the same items most of the time except for a few special seasonal items. taste wise they are also the same in every outlet around the world.

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