Monday, January 16, 2017

Malaysian Dry Red Curry Chicken

Dry Red Curry Chicken
Woke up early this morning to prepare breakfast and lunch for the family. With about two hours to spare before leaving for work, my wife decided to cook curry chicken. In fact, she had already cleaned and cut about three pounds of chicken drumsticks the previous night. That was why she was focused on cooking curry this early in the morning. Also, she had planned to use a pre-packed curry gravy instead of preparing from scratch which should reduce the preparation time significantly.

Steam Okra with Garlic Oil
Usually, if we were to bring rice for lunch to work and to school, we would only prepare two dishes instead of three that we normally have in our meals at home. The second dish was a simple steam okra with garlic oil. While she was preparing and cooking the curry chicken, she had a plater of okras in the steamer on the stove next to the wok she was using for the curry chicken. So, to save on time, we had the same cuisines for breakfast and lunch today. Since we woke up earlier than usual this morning, I prepared an additional dish.

Toasted Tofus with Garlic and Shallots
Also a simple dish which only required the use of the steamer, I put into the steamer a plate of sliced tofus after we had removed the okras from it. But before steaming the slice tofus, I had them toasted on a pan with a few drops of cooking oil. And to make it simple, I garnished the tofu with fried garlic, fried shallots, and oyster flavoured sauce. The three cuisines took us less than an hour to prepare and cook. And that leaves us a lot of time to get ready for work and school. At my work place, I only have to reheat my container and enjoy another home cooked meal.

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