Saturday, January 14, 2017

Roasted Duck for Dinner

Imported Roasted Duck
The main course for dinner last night was the roasted duck which we bought from T&T Supermarket. I did not purchase the roasted duck from the cooked food section but rather from the display freezer which was packed in a plastic pack and flown in from China in frozen form. I was skeptical at first about the authenticity and quality of the roasted duck. But the price was the motivating factor. The one pack of roasted duck was half the price of the freshly roasted duck displayed at the cooked food section.

Golden Brown Roasted Duck
For that reason, I had to at least try it out. The frozen roasted duck are retailed in two different sizes, half a duck or one whole duck. Obviously for trying, I picked the half duck. So, I followed the instructions on the label and left the frozen duck in the oven for about thirty minutes on medium heat. Then, another ten minutes on broil. It looked really delicious when ready. The flavour and taste was actually authentic and for that price, it was good.

Blenched Kailan
While I was waiting for the duck to be dine, I put a pot of water on the stove to boil. And then, when the water was boiling, drop a few drops of cooking oil and a pinch of salt for taste into the water. I took a bunch of Kailan and blench them in the hot boiling water for about one minute. The Kailan that I bought from T&T Supermarket was of the larger variety, so it need about one minute in the boiling water to cook. Once the vegetable was ready, set them in a serving plate. Then, garnish with some fried garlic oil and a few drops of light soy sauce.

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