Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Restaurant Named Top Cantonese Cuisine

Egg Plant Yong Tau Foo
My wife and her friends went out to dine in this restaurant located on the 2700 block of Kingsway in Vancouver a couple of days ago. And what initially caught my attention was the name of the restaurant. In sounds like the owners of this restaurant has discovered the perfect online marketing keyword to generate traffic to their restaurant. The name of the restaurant is probably high on the keyword search list when someone is searching on the internet for a Cantonese restaurant to dine in.

Raddish Cake
The restaurant may have found a perfect online marketing strategy but the cuisines that was served there were not unique nor special in anyway. The cuisines that were served that morning in the restaurant were common dim sum cuisines that were found in many Chinese restaurants. I did not join the ladies at the restaurant but from their sharing, I gathered that the cuisines were not exceptionally special, just normal.

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