Monday, March 6, 2017

Home Cooked Briyani Chicken Rice

Briyani Chicken Rice
We stayed home yesterday and decided to cook the Briyani Chicken Rice. This time the briyani chicken rice did not turn out as we would like it to. The color wasn't as we had expected. We first boiled the chicken, to remove the odour and smell. Then, in a wok we have two spoons of cooking oil. Add the briyani spice paste which we bought from Chong Lee Market. Simmer for a few minutes until aroma fills the the kitchen.

Home Cooked Briyani Rice
After that add the pre-cooked chicken, cooked rice, roasted cashew nuts, raisins, and mint. Mix thoroughly until evenly colored. The briyani paste that I have used for this briyani chicken rice cuisine is a premix of herbs and spices meant to prepare for five adult serving portions. I have used the same method, followed the instructions listed on the box, to cook briyani chicken rice before and each time it turn out to be perfect.

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