Friday, March 31, 2017

Home Cooked Mamak Mee

Mamak Mee Goreng
We had the Mamak Fried Noodle for dinner yesterday. It was a change in our normal dinner routine as we usually have rice and three cuisines. But yesterday we were kind of lazy to think of what to cook, so, we just prepared the ingredients for the fried noodle and fried the noodle cuisine. The change in menu was good as sometimes after eating the same kind of food over and over again, we can get rather bored too.

Mamak Fried Noodle
The ingredients that we put into the Mamak Mee Goreng was potato, shrimps, bean sprouts, yu choy, tomatoes, fried tofus, garlic, and fried onions. The sauce was simply a mix of shrimp broth and tomato ketchup with a small spoonful of sugar. After the noodle is done, garnish some fried shallots onto the noodle and squeeze some lime or lemon onto it. This home cook version of the Mamak Mee Goreng may not be as authentic but the flavour and taste is about there.

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