Thursday, March 30, 2017

Malaysian Belacan Fried Chicken

Fried Belacan Chicken
Lately, we have been cooking so much pork. It seems like we have been consuming a lot of the same meat for a long time. Therefore, for dinner yesterday we decided to cook a chicken cuisine. And because frying would be the easiest and fastest way to cook, we decided to prepare four quarters of chicken for the belacan fried chicken. First we marinated the chopped chicken meat with approximately five spoons of belacan powder.

Belacan Chicken
The belacan powder must be used sparingly because it is a difficult to acquire commodity in Vancouver. Most of the belacan found in grocery stores comes in the block form. And we have to bake the belacan first before pounding it to powder. The process takes too much work and time. Besides the work, when the belacan is being baked, it creates a strong smell that is not very comfortable.

Smells Great Taste Even Better
The smell is like dead fish. But most Asians wouldn't mind the smell. It depends who your neighbours are. Any way we have powdered belacan that we brought from Malaysia. And these are genuine belacan from Penang. My mum prepares the belacan powder at home. Another easy access to belacan powder is to purchase a bottle or pack of it from any grocery stores in Malaysia. This powdered belacan is very popular nowadays.

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