Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Cheese and Tofu

Cheese Tofu
We learned a new fusion cuisine today. While going through youtube, my wife stumbled upon a video showing how tofu can be cooked with cheese. So, without much hesitation we tried the recipe for lunch since it was just a few simple steps. We have a block of soft tofu in the fridge and plenty of cheese which we had just bought from Costco. The cheese was on sale, so it came at the right time. And we have bought the correct type of cheese for this recipe.

Tasty and Flavourful Cheese Tofu
Slice the tofu block in the middle to split it into two pieces. Then, place the tofus in a plate and a slice of cheese on each of the tofus. Garnish some mushrooms on to the cheese. Once the tofus are ready, put the plate in a steamer for about five minutes. After that, take the plate out of the steamer and sprinkle some black pepper on the cheese. This tofu cheese cuisine can be served as another dish for dinner or lunch. The cheese and tofu blended really well.

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