Saturday, March 18, 2017

Malaysian Curry Pork

Malaysian Curry Pork
Instead of using chicken or fish as the main choice of meat for the curry cuisine, I switched the meat to pork which actually is the cheaper of the proteins sold at the local supermarkets. Pork loins are on sale and seems like everyone that does grocery shopping in the supermarkets that sells them are walking out of the supermarkets with at least a chunk of the meat. The pork loin sale started in Walmart, after two weeks, Safeway started offering the discounted price on the same item.

Curry Pork
Since the beginning of Walmart's special offer on the pork loin until today, we have bought no less than seven chunks of the meat. Each weighs about a kilo and a half.  So, we decided to cook curry with some of this meat. Using pre-packed Malaysian curry paste, Tean's Gourmet brand, I cooked up a large pot of pork curry. We like Tean's Gourmet as the result of the cuisine turns out to be authentic. We also use A1 and Baba's curry paste and powder for cooking curry cuisines.

Home Cooked Pork Curry
It simple cooking with pre-packed curry paste. I started with about five spoons of cooking oil, then simmer the whole pack of curry paste into the cooking oil. Add some curry leaves for the beautiful fragrant and once the the curry gravy boils, add a canned of thick coconut milk. Once the curry gravy boils add another cup of water. Then, goes in the the pork (cut to large bite size), peeled potatoes, and tofu puffs. Cooking time should take about thirty minutes. This curry cuisine is best served with steam rice or roti Chennai.

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